
The Camden Place homeowners are fortunate to have access to a beautiful pool and playground adjacent to our recently remodeled Clubhouse facility. The pool area, which includes a diving board and diving blocks for the swim team, also borders our Pavilion space that serves as the bridge between the pool and our four lighted tennis courts. Camden Place utilizes a pool management company, and our contract with the company provides certified lifeguards for all homeowners during operating pool hours.

Pool Contacts:

Pool Coordinator: Alison Crump
Swim Team Coordinator: Karen Berube
Clubhouse Rental Coordinator: Kari Figueroa
Please direct pool inquiries to Pool.cpbod@gmail.com.

Summer 2019 Pool Schedule:

Please refer to the attached calendar for pool hours and pool/clubhouse rentals during the swim season:

2019 Pool Schedule, Live Calendar View

For those who prefer to download the calendar, click below:
Download the 2019 Calendar
(for the most current events calendar, use the Live Calendar View above)

Pool Parties:

Please refer to the Pool Party Information Packet for details regarding the process of booking pool parties.

Pool Rules:

Pool Rules

Swim Team:

For Camden Waves Swim Team information, please visit the Camden Waves Swim Team website.

As neighbors may be looking to rent out the clubhouse for graduation or other parties, please be aware the swim team will be practicing on the following dates:

Practices May 13th – May 21st
4:00pm – 6:00pm

No practice May 22nd (last day of school) and May27th (Memorial Day)

Practices May23rd– June 26th
8:30am – 11:00am