Items Needed for Walton Band Garage Sale
Furniture & Small Appliances, Books/DVDs/CDs, Household Items, Sports equipment, Toys & Clothing! Items in good condition (working or wearable). Small pieces (legos, puzzles, toys) bagged together. Hangers, boxes, and plastic/paper bags also appreciated. Donations may be tax deductible!
Drop off location: Johnson Square Office Park
1501 Johnson Ferry Rd
(behind Target at Sunrise Assisted Living)
Drop off dates: 9a.m – 12p.m January 15th and 22nd
February 12th and 19th
March 5th and 12th
Need pickup of large items/loads? Contact Tony Consolo(404) 444-7671 or
Mark your calendars.....
19th Annual
Walton Band Garage Sale
March 19, 2011