Camden Place Ladies Night

What:         September Get Together to Socialize, Celebrate Birthdays and back to school!!
When:        Tuesday, September 27, 2011 at 7PM

Where:        Camden Place Clubhouse

RSVP:             (

Why Shop, when you can swap?
The approach of winter leaves us all wardrobe weary and the approaching holidays leave our wallets feeling the same. A fashion swap is a great way to remix our wardrobes while recycling, staying budget friendly, and hanging out with our neighbors. It is the latest party craze!

Let’s try it here in Camden!  Recycle....Clean out your closets… de-clutter and bring it to the clubhouse. We’ll get some mirrors, tables, assign dressing rooms if needed and print off the rules for holding a swap (Google: swap parties).

For those of you unfamiliar with the concept, everyone brings nice, clean, neglected clothing and accessories to the swap. These are items you never got around to wearing. You forgot about them or they just didn’t work out for you or the occasion. Try not to bring items hopelessly outdated. (Vintage is ok, however!) You can bring a lot to the swap or a few select items.

We’ll have appetizers and wine to partake of while you shop till you drop and not spend a penny.
Note:  If you want to contribute a bottle of wine or appetizer to the evening – let Gloria Carter know.
See you there