Camden Place CCPD "Bake and Take"
Show your support for our local Cobb County Police Department, Precinct 4!
Camden Place Clubhouse
Thursday, July 21, 2016
Art Time - 9-11 am (Coming together to make pictures, banners, write thank you notes, etc... Art supplies and "Thank You" notes provided, or bring your own.)
Delivery to CCPD Building (Lower Roswell Rd. across from Mt. Bethel Church) Time - 11:15 am (Please let me know if you plan on attending the delivery.)
Can't stay Thursday?
Please drop any baked goods or notes/pictures of encouragement to the clubhouse anytime from 9 - 11 am.
Can't make it at all Thursday?
Please bring items Wednesday evening to
The Ronchetti's House
4934 Gaskin Walk
Any questions?
Please contact us at